Benét Matthias
1. What circumstances and experiences led you to where you are today?
Growing up as a person of colour in a predominantly white town has definitely shaped where I am today. I was always different to the other kids, I think this led me to becoming more creative and exploring different styles as a way of finding a sense of identity.
2. You cultivate and have created a unique style, both in your work and your personal life. How have you cultivated this and what does style mean to you?
Ccreating my own personal style was done by lots of trial and error. For me I was inspired by the people around me, at uni, online or people/things that I would see. Surrounding myself by inspiration led to me experimenting more, and discovering things that I enjoy, and things that I don’t enjoy. For me having found my own unique style, it carries on through my whole life, from my practice, to the clothes I wear to my bedroom, all of this is representation of me and my past experiences, the people I have met and the places that I’ve been.
3. Do you have any practices or experiences that you use to support you in your creative work? In your life?
Recently I have been intrigued by mindfulness and meditation, and it’s something that I do to unwind at the end of the day and ensure that I have a clear mind. I try to make a habit of journalling and meditating as a clear mind is really helpful when working on projects to help not get overwhelmed and help me translate my ideas from mind to reality.
4. Does wellbeing hold meaning for you? If so what does wellbeing mean to you?
As a textile student and owner of a brand, I often get overwhelmed and stressed by the workload. Nurturing my mind and body I feel are really important for me to utilise my creativity to its fullest potential. I’ve been on a journey of trying to keep myself healthy by exercising more and taking time to reflect, journal and breathe. This is so important for me not just for my creativity but also for general my well-being.
5. Where do you find inspiration, outside of your creative practice what are your passions?
I find lots of importation from music. I have always loved music and have always admired musicians for what they do and how they create. I listen to a variety of genres from rap to jazz and blues. Living in London had made me curious about different genres and had led me to go to more gigs and concerts. I find myself inspired by how people express themselves in so many different ways. From the clothes they are wearing, to how they dance and react to the music. I think it’s beautiful, and is definitely something that inspires me to be more exploratory.
6. Where do you find joy/ comfort?
I definitely feel most comfortable and happy when I’m with my family. Any time with my family are super important to me whenever I’m going through something I know that I have my family to go home to and they will comfort me; I’m super grateful for that.
7. What dreams/ hopes/ desires do you hold?
Honestly, I really hope to inspire people with what I do. I would love for my work to be seen and heard by a wider audience. It is really important for me to shine a light on black designers and especially black knitters who don’t get the recognition they deserve. My real goal is to create comfortability in the fashion industry for black designers so they feel they are free to express themselves in such a harsh and judgmental industry.
4th April 2024.
Find Benét on Social Media here.