Celebrating Care.
It is seen in the quietest of moments, a deep breathe with confronted with a tantrum, the listening to understand, a tender glance, a kindness extended when inside we feel triggered and at the end of our tethers. Care. That silently weaves the fabric of our societies together. A largely under appreciated act, without which our communities would become untethered. Care transforms, a physical expression of love and compassion. It does not come without compromise or sacrifice and in the shadow of human achievements those who care can be left feeling isolated, unworthy, the true enlightening spirit of caregiving obscured. Caregiving is raw, exposing and expanding work, it enriches. It is valuable, valued and communal. In the words of Angela Garbes, it is “truly essential”- thank you for all the work that you do.
10. Jan. 2024.
Image Kim Verdebo.