In conversation with

L and O

1. L you are 6 and O you are 3. What are your favourite ice cream flavours?

L: Mint Choc Chip.

O: Mint Choc Chip, Oreo and Kit Kat.

2. What is your favourite food?

L: Fish and Chips.

O: Pasta.

3. What is your favourite Book?

L: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

O: Cat in the Hat.

4. Who is your favourite Superhero?

L:Black Panther.

O: Black Panther.

5.Places you would like to visit?

L: Africa, Kilimanjaro and Kathmandu.

O: Africa.

6. Would you rather be a tiger or a dinosaur?

L: Tiger and a Dinosaur.

O: Tiger and a Dinosaur.

7. Crocodile or Shark?

L: Shark.

O: Crocodile and a Shark.

8. What was your highlight today?

L; Dadda coming home.

O:Dadda coming home.

9. What was your lowlight today?

L; Not being able to watch TV.

O: Not being able to have a sweet.

10. What are you grateful for today?

L: Playing with Mamma.

O: Dadda coming home.

11. How did you feel today?

L: Happy.

O: Happy.

12. Where is your favourite place?

L: The Zoo.

O: The beach.

Find L and O playing lego and duplo at home.
