In conversation with
Chloe Knowlden.
1. You teach yoga at events and retreats and world wide. What led you into yoga and the current ways you deliver and teach your practice.
I found Yoga through a severe spinal injury and haven't looked back ever since! I undertook my initial 200 hour training with The Sacred Fig in Bali, back in 2018 and it really set the standard for my teaching and what sort of teacher I aspired to be. I feel really passionate about staying as authentic as I can when I teach - the way I am when I show up in a studio, is the way I am in my relationship, behind closed doors, or with friends. I like to stay open-minded and curious about the way I practice, teach and live my life. The earliest advice I had about teaching was to teach from the heart and it's something I always come back to.
2. What ambitions, dreams and desires do you have for your professional and personal growth?
Ooof Big question. I dream of having my own space one day, a retreat centre somewhere in Europe, with blue skies and orange trees. I vision teaching in more cities worldwide, introducing more and more people to Yoga. If masses of people learnt about breath, movement and meditation, it would change the world. Truly! I also look forward to becoming a mama one day; creating a family with my partner Joe. For me, I would love to leave an imprint on people, by the way I show up, teach and hold space for them.
3. How do you feel yoga is helpful for you and for those you teach?
Yoga helped me become more embodied, more present and more compassionate. The time I spend on my mat, allows me to be more responsive rather than reactive. It teaches me about space, dimension and polarity. I have a deeper understanding of the human body, of my human body. Plus it never really stops, I'm always exploring on and off the mat. We all change and evolve over time, but I am vastly different now to who I was pre-Yoga, college days. I think we become an amalgamation of those we spend time with and I'm fortunate to spend time with some really magical beings. Friends that truly inspire me and elevate me. It's such a gift.
I like to think that it's helpful for those I teach by offering them a safe space. I don't know why people choose to roll out their mats with me but I don't take it for granted. Every class I teach, I give it my all. It's truly my dharma. I hope that it's helpful for peoples' overall wellbeing.Mental, physical and energetic.
4. What are your passions?
Yoga, dancing, laughing, eating, sleeping, watching Friends.
5. What resources, practices and approaches do you use to support yourself and in your teaching?
I have a daily satsang practice which gives me lots of clarity and consistency. Due to the amount of travel I've been doing for the past 12-18 months, I use online Yoga platforms such as FIGFLIX and SKYTING TV. I love short 20 minute practices to iron out any creases. Especially after long haul flights! I also like to keep learning, by taking workshops and trainings' each year. I love reading a good book, so some time on my own with a cuppa and a book is heaven!
6. What does wellbeing mean for you?
Wellbeing to me means being well. Across the board. I envision wellbeing as the whole (metaphorical) cake, then the individual slices represent different contributing factors. Such as my mind, my health, my sleep, my practice, etc etc. I like to look at when I feel supported and happy, why is that, who am I around, what am I up to? And the flipside, when I've had a rough few weeks, what are my contributing factors? How can I use the tools in my toolbox to live a more balanced, well-rounded life? For me that's having a daily practice, a blend of social and solo time, hugs with family and friends, 8 hours sleep, 3 lites of water and nourishing food. Chuck an Aperol Spritz in there too!
7. Do you have any principles or philosophies that you use to guide you personally or professionally in your decision making and actions?
"The 4 Agreements" is my bible. If I can remind myself of those philosophies each day, I'll be fine. If you don't know what book I'm referencing, go buy it from your local bookstore!
8. What challenges do you face in your daily life? How do you face these?
I think as a woman, I ebb and flow with hormones. So some weeks I feel like I can conquer the world and some weeks I doubt everything around me. My challenges differ depending on context but I usually always check myself and my privilege and when I do that, I can snap out pretty quickly. It's definitely a cycle and I have gotten to know my patterns over the years, so I feel more accepting of the shifts.
9. Where do you perceive/ feel your greatest triumphs in the every day?
It depends. Sometimes on low days, just showing up for myself is triumphant enough. That could look like my practice and a rest day. Then other days, getting my to-do list done and ticking boxes can feel like success. How I measure it changes and I think finding joy in the little things is a really powerful practice.
10. Where do you find comfort and joy?
My partner Joe is so playful and fun, his energy to me is infectious, so I adore being around him. First and foremost, he's my best friend and we laugh so much. So definitely him. Then I'd have to say good food, good wine and good conversation with friends. Hugs and time with my family brings me lots of comfort. Honestly the little things bring me light. I love hanging laundry?!! Maybe it will change when I have kids, ha! I love fresh sheets, a gorgeous candle, a good cup of tea, and fresh flowers on the table. I think creating a space that feels clean and wholesome, gives me heaps of happiness, because it ricochets into other areas. It makes me want to roll out my mat, or invite friends over. You get the jist!
11. Do you have anything else you would like to comment, is there any particular things close to your heart or feelings central to your business, or as a women/ person that you would like to share or be asked about?
Yes! Take class with me! Or come on retreat. Thanks for having me.
Find Chloe on social media here: @chloeknowlden
Find her website offerings here:
Photography Kathleen Spears: