On Falling Apart. 

Wellbeing culture subliminally reinforces the idea of invincibility. Yet as humans we are anything but. As a part of nature we are also subject to its laws, of growth and of decay, of cycles and rhythms, of stillness and of storms.

We are saturated with directions take us towards growth and it becomes painfully silent when the opposite is true. When we unravel. Brene Brown writes “rarely do we see wounds that are in the process of healing.”

To embrace our tenderness as we fall apart and life carries on, is a nuanced, and it maybe argued, a learned art. It forces us to release of our perceptions of what we think the world, and ourselves to be. But through the thicket of anguish and ache, may lie the place where true discovery and reckoning begins.

19 Nov 2024.

References and Further Reading

Brown Brené, 2015, Rising Strong, Spiegel & Grau, New York.

Bathurst Matilda, In Alignment A Conversation with Manoj Dias, Cereal, Accessed Online

Photo Kim Verdebo.