On Health: Principles and Practice 

Historically in Cartesian medical philosophy, body, brain and mind have been held apart, conceptualised as independent entities. In this divide, understanding and knowledge of human health and wellbeing has subliminally become fragmented and disassociated (Ravindran 2021). Central to the emergence of health is the principle and the practice integration, a notion explored widely by Dr Dan Siegel, a clinical professor of psychiatry, author and researcher. Through the lens of integration “differentiated parts become unified” (Siegel 2001, cited Siegel 2007), mind becomes synchronous with body, facilitating a deep sense that things seemingly unrelated are indeed related. In the light of integration, each aspect of our health develops coherence, health itself remaining not only individual but collective, connected.

-“Intergration made visible is kindness and compassion” Dr Dr Dan Siegel.

References and Further Reading

Ravindran Deepak Dr. 2021, The Pain-Free Mindset. Vermillion, London

Siegel DJ. Mindfulness training and neural integration: differentiation of distinct streams of awareness and the cultivation of well-being. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2007 Dec; 2(4): 259–263. doi: 10.1093/scan/nsm034 Cited Online 15th Oct 2023.

Siegel DJ. Toward an interpersonal neurobiology of the developing mind: Attachment, “mindsight”, and neural integration. Infant Mental Health Journal. 2001;22:67–94.

Oct 15th.

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Health, Wellbeing, Lottie Hampson.