On Beauty. 

Beauty is about a more rounded, substantial becoming. in that sense is about an emerging fullness, a greater sense of grace and elegance, a deeper sense of depth, and also a kind of homecoming for the enriched memory of your unfolding life.”- John O’ Donohue.

Perhaps it maybe be said that one of our purposes in life is to observe the beauty inherent within it. Beauty “is not just a visual experience; it is a characteristic that provides a perceptual experience to the eye, the ear, the intellect, the aesthetic faculty, or the moral is the qualities that give pleasure, meaning or satisfaction to the senses” states Corbett (2008). We have a predilection to narrow our concepts of beauty into confined notions, ideals and judgements, but maybe beauty is more expansive than what we tend to conceive.

Maybe in the pursuit of an aesthetic, cognitive type of beauty, we loose the consciousness of the fact that beauty is something deeper, a quality that moves us, a quality embedded- that at “its heart… can bring about transcendence.”Fryer (2015).

References and Further Reading/ Listening.

  1. Corbett JR, 2008. What is Beauty. Speech. Royal Victoria University. 1st Oct 2008. Accessed online. Ulster Med J. 2009 May; 78(2): 84–89.Nov 10.

  2. O’Donohue J and Tippet K 2022 , The Inner Landscape of Beauty. Feb 10 2022. Available at Accessed 7 Nov 2023.

  3. Fryer Micheal, 2015, The Subversive Power of Beauty. On Being Website. Accessed online at,a%20display%20of%20natural%20wonders….. Nov 8 2023.

Image Lottie Hampson.

10. Nov.2023.