Self Respect.
It is said that the most important relationship we have, is the one we have to ourselves. It is the prism for how we engage with and recieve the world, A home for how we feel.
Whilst so often much of our lived experiences exists beyond our capacity to influence it, for much of life is a game of chance, and there is a tendency to treat ourselves this way, a game of chance. However when it comes to our inner sphere and the all imporant reference as to how we treat ourselves, perhaps there is something little we can do to tip ourselves in favour of recieving warmth and love, regardless of the siutations of our lives, of our behaviours, experiences and feelings? Something to buoy us against the stresses and strains, wonders and joys of living. To gift ourselves something of a consistent and warm embrace. The benefits of are mutual. Brene Brown illuminates how “ we cannot give to others what we do not have in ourselves”. Tending to our inner realms maybe essential if we wish to flow with the aliveness of love and care, and the joy of being in recipriocity.
Love maybe the force that allows our life to flourish, and respect and dignity maybe seen as its quiet partner. Love and understanding cannot grow without its presence.
Respect and dignity are the foundations for self actualisation, acknowledging the worth of our presence. It is softer than what we might have had demanded of us. Cultivating self respect allows us to free ourselves from the binds of conformity. It allows us to be wholly ourselves, and therefore wholly each other.
13 Feb 2025.
References and Further Reading.
Didion Joan, 1961. On Self Respect. Vogue Essay. Republished Vogue Dec 2023, 2021. Accessed Online