Self Trust. 

Self-trust is the foundation of a fulfilling life, enabling us to move through challenges with confidence, clarity, and to embrace opportunities courageously. It is an inner belief in one’s ability to navigate life's complexities.

Self trust is reflected in our ability to believe in ourselves, the the inner assurance that, regardless of external circumstances, we have the resilience to handle the swells of life. As Ekhart Toll writes in his famed book The Power of Now, “we are not our life situations”. Though to trust, to have faith in oneself is akin to walking blind into a cave. It is a willingness to embrace the darkness when all is unclear.

Trust is a capacity deeply rooted in self-awareness, being in tune with our emotions, understanding our strengths and weaknesses, and believing in our inherent worth. Unlike the fleeting nature of external validation, self-trust is a constant, internal anchor that grounds us. When we trust ourselves, we act in harmony with our values, set healthy boundaries, and act with intention. This internal feeling of alignment can lead to a sense of greater happiness and fulfillment. It is the seed bed of a meaningful life.

Self-trust is not a singular achievement but a continuous process that evolves over time. As we face new experiences, challenges, and stages of life, our relationship with self-trust adapts. The more we invest in understanding ourselves and practicing self-compassion, the more profound the trust in ourselves will become. Self trust embraces imperfection and humanity, it’s a knowing that even when we inevitably falter, we have the inner strength and capacity to right ourselves. We have the ability to feel ourselves through in the dark.


Image Kim Verdebo