Self Worth.
To be seen and valued is an inherent human need. Lying at the core of this most basic of needs is our sense of self worth, a belief that we are enough as we are, worthy of love and belonging, respect and dignity, irrespective of imperfection. Self worth is a felt sense unobtainable from external achievements. The essence of our worthiness is not to be found within the narrowly perceived margins of success or beauty that our societies tend to hearld but exists “simply because we believe it does” writes Brene Brown. Our sense of worthiness is unconditional and accepting, a seed bed for resilience and adaption. An absence of worthiness is like an absence of hope, like a heart without a home.
References and Further Reading.
Brown Brene, 2012, Daring Greatly. How the Courage to be Vulnerable Transforms the way we live, love, parent and lead, Penguin Publishing, USA.
Jul 12 2024.
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