The Power of Vulnerability. 

The human experience is one that at its heart is inherently fragile, tender, uncontrollable and unpredictable. In our attempts to survive through a world that can wound and disorient we frequently mask the vulnerability that pierces our existence, in a trade for the allure of invincibility. The plausible reasons for which we arrive to a place where we subvert our inner susceptibilities are layered and nuanced, often rooted in experiences of pain, shame and fear, yet navigating the delicate path that returns us towards embracing our vulnerabilities can open to us a world of possibility. In the intimate light of vulnerability the seeds of love, compassion, worth and belonging bloom, the essential ingredients to a life of inner sustenance. “We cultivate love when we allow our most vulnerable and powerful selves to be deeply seen and known” writes prominent shame and vulnerability researcher Brené Brown. There is a power within our fragilities.

References and Further Reading.

Brown Brene, 2012, Daring Greatly. How the Courage to be Vulnerable Transforms the way we live, love, parent and lead, Penguin Publishing, USA.

Bathurst Mathilda, In Alignment, Cereal, Accessed Online 16/05/2024.

Popova Maria, Aloneness, Belonging, and the Paradox of Vulnerability, in Love and Creative Work. The Marginalian. Accessed Online 16/05/2024.


Lottie Hampson, Vulnerability, Wellbeing.

Image via Lottie Hampson .