Uncertainty and The Warmth of Wonder 

Sometimes in life feelings can exist outside of our capacity to find the words to substantiate or honour them. Life is beautifully precarious, it’s uncertain. Uncertainity punctuates the lived experience lying in the in between, in the grey and the unseen. It is always present, rising or falling closer to the surface in concert with the phases of our lives, coming to the fore at the most painful of transitions, at moments of deepest exposure.

Sometimes we navigate it individually, sometimes collectively, pressing on the heart, contorting the gut. It reminds us of life’s urgency and the paradoxical dance we face daily, slowing down enough to saviour it, yet not freezing so that move through it asleep. In our encounters with uncertainity we are confronted with fear and anxiety. To embrace it is to develop a tolerance for the untolerable, yet the rewards for doing so are immeasurable, in doing so we are returned to the warmth of wonder.

23. Jan. 2024.